
Showing posts from July, 2020

Welcome Services are Calling on CRM Software for Help

Now it’s time to roll out the welcome wagon!  Welcome services are often contracted by many types of businesses to help welcome clients, employees, or other stakeholders.  Whereas some firms handle a task like this “in house,” others prefer to call on the literal welcome wagon in the welcome services industry. Where do we need a heaty warm welcome?  Perhaps we need a welcome when we move into a new home or apartment.  A collection of fresh flowers and a bottle of bubbly makes the moment extra special.  Or, we might need to roll out the welcome wagon when students start a new school.  Newly-sharpened pencils and a little treat start the year off right!  These little favors and ideas are fun, but they can be time consuming.  Rather than asking your assistant to coordinate all the logistics, you may call on a company that provides welcome services.  In turn, they probably rely on welcome services CRM Software to keep everything moving quickly an...

Public Relations Agency Uses CRM Software to Succeed

Public relations agencies are cool places that know how to make cool places cooler .  That explanation wasn’t that cool, but that’s alright because we’re not here to manage press and image, you are. What we are here to do is our job.  Our job is to get you onto the idea of CRM Software for Public Relations Agencies . What’s the buzz, 411, FYI on CRM?  Here are the details:  CRM stands for customer relationship management, so that’s what CRM Software does!  It manages customer relationships. If you’re like most agencies trying to stretch a dime, you probably haven’t made the investment in a database yet.  Sure, for now you’re in and out of shared drives all day, updating spreadsheets full of VIP contacts.  But how long until that turns into some kind of disaster? You have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull the wool over the wolf’s eyes in PR.  In other words, we know PR superstars love a good elevator pitch.  Here’s one for CRM: “C...